In Search of the Lost
In the vibrant crossroads of the Malay Archipelago, where cultures converge and intertwine, the Chetti Melaka stand as a testament to a rich, blended heritage. This film follows two young members of the community as they seek to rediscover their roots in a world that risks leaving them behind. Through evocative oral histories, faded photographs, and artful reenactments, the documentary reflects on the enduring spirit of a people shaped by the union of Indian, Malay, and Chinese traditions. Set in Singapore and Melaka, it contemplates identity, legacy, and the fragile thread that ties the past to the future.
Directed by- K. Rajagopal
Cinematography & Edited by- Abhi Anchliya
Production Company - Akanga Film Asia
Distribution- National Heritage Board, Singapore
Status- Released 2018