Ghost of the Mountains
Set amidst the haunting beauty of Ladakh’s trans-Himalayan expanse, Ghost of the Mountains is a lyrical exploration of resilience and impermanence. Anchored by a nomadic herder’s journey, the film intertwines the fragile pulse of human existence with the ethereal rhythm of the natural world. As the land carries its silent memories and the mythical snow leopard weaves through folklore and reality, a profound question emerges: how do we hold onto what is slipping away?
At the intersection of fate, nature, spirituality, and free will, Ghost of the Mountains unfurls a narrative that blends social realism with magical surrealism. It invites viewers to a quiet meditation on the fragile connections that bind humanity to the natural world.
Direction & Cinematography by- Abhi Anchliya
Written by- Mohan Sharma & Abhi Anchliya
Production Company - IgniteChange Films
Status- In Pre-Production and Development